पूतात्मा परमात्मा च मुक्तानाम परमा गति:| अव्यय: पुरुष: साक्षी क्षेत्रज्ञो अक्षर एव च|| PUtAtma ParamAtma cha muktAnAm paramA gatih... Avyayah Purushah sAkshi kshetrajno akshara eva cha... __________________________________________________________ pUtAtma-- The one who isn't effected by worldly illsions (mAyA) paramAtma-- The greatest soul...the highest being....(Scientifically- the combination of all atoms) muktanAm-paramAgatih-- He who is the final goal of the soul that attains salvation (Mukti) avyayah-- The indestructable being.. purushah-- The Being Himself... sAkshi-- The One who witnesses everything kshetrajna-- The One who knows everything about the Area (Area can be universe or the individual's body or soul) akshara --- The One who once created can't be taken back or simply can't erased or destroyed (Scientifically, it can be analogous to ENERGY...the one which cannot be destroyed once created...it can only be transformed from one for m to anoth...
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