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Showing posts with the label Lotus

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 38)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 38) The shloka is relying it's importance on the Lord's beautiful features that match the beauty of the Lotus flower. Let us read the 38h shloka padmanAbho aravindAkshah padmagarbhah sarIrabhrit mahardhiriddho vridhAtma mahAkshO garudadwhwajah पद्मनाभः अरविन्दाक्शः पद्मगर्भः शरीराभृत | महर्धिरिद्धो वृधात्मा महाक्षो गरुदाध्वजः || padmanAbhah The One whose navel is the source of a lotus from where Lord Brahma takes birth after every pralaya (apocalypse)     aravindAkshah  The One whose eyes are like lotus petals padmagarbhah  The One whose lotus like navel is the womb for the Creator ( Brahma)   sarIrabhrit The One who nourishes in the body ( sarIram ) of the jivas   mahardhih  The One who is ever prosperous riddhih The One who is ever increasing vridhAtma  The One whose Atma is ancient   mahAkshah The One whose eyes are Great garudadwhwajah The One who...