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Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 48)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 48) The 48th shlokam imposes the role of The Lord Vishnu in the yajna/ yagya or the ritualistic sacrifices performed in the Vedic religion of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) yajnya ijya mahEjyaschakratuh satram satAmgatih sarvadarshI vimuktAtmA sarvajnyO jnyAnamuttamam यज्ञा इज्ञ महेज्यश्च ऋतु: सत्रं सताम्गतिः | सर्वदर्शी विमुक्तात्मा सर्वज्ञो ज्ञानमुत्तमम || yajnya  The One Who is the form, goal and enjoyer of all ritualistic sacrifices ijya  The One Who is worshiped in the yajnya (sacrifice) mahEjyah The One Who is to be worshiped as the greatest of all Gods kratuh  The One Who is recipient of all prayers in the yajnyas satram  The One Who protects ( tra ) all good ( sat ) men who conduct ritualistic sacrifices satAmgatih The One Who is the ultimate and only refuge for those who are seeking salvation ( moksha ) sarvadarshI  The One Who watches over everything, the One who sees everything vimuktAtmA...

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 45)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 45) The 45th stanza for the first time depicts The Lord in a new dimension called TIME. He is Time, the past, present and future. He is the seasons. Read on further rituh sudarsanah kAlah paramEshthI parigrahah ugrah samvatsarO dakshO visrAmO visvadakshinah ऋतु: सुदर्शन: कालः परमेष्ठी परिग्रहः | उग्रः संवत्सरो दक्षो विश्रामो विश्वदक्षिणः || rituh  The One Who is signified by the seasons sudarsanah  The One Who is the most handsome and His darsana or witnessing Him is the most dignifying and positive ( su ) karma   kAlah  The One Who is the time- the past, the present, the future   paramEshthI  The One Who removed the burden of the Earth (as commented by Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana ) parigrahah The One Who surrounds the mind of the devotee ugrah  The One Who creates fear in the mind of the enemy samvatsarah The One unto Whom all the jivas reside ( vas ) together ( sam ) , therefore, samvatsa...

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 43)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 43) Here in the 43rd stanza, the 400th name of the Lord is completed with anayah . Here we learn that The Lord is mArgo-neyo-naya-anayah , or the path, the goal for the path and the One Who leads on the path and cannot be lead rAmO virAmO viratO mArgO neyO nayO anayah vIrah saktimatAm sreshthO dharmO dharmavid uttamah रामो विरामो विरतो मार्गो नेयो नयोअनयः | वीरः सक्तिमताम श्रेष्ठो धर्मो धर्मविद उत्तमः || rAmah The One Who was RAma , dasaratha's eldest son , the seventh incarnation ( avatAr) of Lord Vishnu virAmah The One Who is the punctuation ( virAma ) in the samsAra chakra. He may put a full stop to the cycle of births and deaths or he may keep it continuing if jiva doesn't attain His Highness   viratah The One Who disqualifies all material gratifications with His presence mArgah The One Who is the path for salvation neyah The One Who is the goal of salvation nayah The One Who leads jiva and yogis on the path (...

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 40)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 40) We enter the 40th shloka of Vishnu SahasranAmam and we talk about His great power to support the world as well as His wrath and ability to consume the same world at the time of pralaya or apocalypse viksharO rohitO mArgO heturdAmodarah sahah mahIdharO mahAbhAgO vegavAnmitAshanah विक्षरो रोहितो मार्गो हेतुर्दामोदर: सहः | महीधरो महाभागो वेगवानमिताशनः ||   viksharah The One Who is non-destructible rohitah The One Who has the reddish color OR The One Who reddens with anger when His devotees are disturbed mArgah The One Who is the true path to Salvation hetuh The One Who is the cause ( hetu ) of the universe dAmodarah  The One Who was bound with a rope by Mother yasodA   sahah The One Who is ever-forgiving mahIdharah The One Who supports ( dhar) the earth ( mahIh ) mahAbhAgah The One Whose devotional service is the greatest devotion vegavAn The One Who has great speed, vegam means speed and this word is stil...

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 39)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 39) In these lines, there are names that reflect upon the ferociousness of Lord Vishnu towards the demons and those who perform bad karma. At the same time it also suggests His kindness and open acceptance to those who are kind hearted and perform good karma atulah sarabhO bhImah samayajnyO havir-harih sarvalakshanalakshanyO lakshimivAn samitimjayah अतुलः शरभो भीमः समयज्न्यो हविर्हरिः | सर्वलक्षणलक्षण्यो लक्ष्मीवान समितिंजयः ||   atulah  The One Who cannot be matched by anyone, Who has no comparison ( tulna ) sarabhah The One Who is demonic (ferocious) to those who are demonic bhImah  The One Who is superstrong and overpowers demons, but gives moksa or salvation to those who are slayed by Him samayajnyah The One Who accepts the devotion of those who view all beings as equal havir-harih The One Who heartfully accepts ghee (clarified butter) upon being offered sarvalakshanyah The One Who is adorned with all the ...

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 37)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 37) The 37th shloka links His Greatness Lord Vishnu with the samsAra chakra or the cycle of rebirth. How he helps jiva to get out of this chakra asOkah tAranah tArah surah saurih janesvarah anukUlah satAvartah padmi padmanibhekshanah अशोकस्तारणस्तार: सुरः सौरिः जनेश्वरः | अनुकूलः शतावर्तः पद्मी पद्मनिभेक्षण: || asOkah  The One who is devoid of the six waves of the ocean of samsAra (that is birth, death, hunger, thirst, attachment and aversion) tAranah  The One who leads jiva on a path so that it can cross the ocean of samsAra   tArah  The One who protects jiva from samsAra   surah  The One who is courageous saurih  The One who is the Son of sura that is valorous person ( vAsudeva ) janesvarah The One who is the Lord of the masses (all jiva) anukUlah  The One who is favorable to all satAvartah  The One occurs a hundred times vitally padmi  The One who holds a lotus ( pad...

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 36)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 36)  The 36th stanza of Vishnu SahasranAmam simply states the great power of MahAVishnu and His powers are compared to the wind, water and sun skandah skandadharO dhuryO varadO vAyuvAhanah vAsudevO brihadbhAnurAdidevah purandarah स्कन्दः स्कन्दधरो धुर्यो वरदो वायुवाहनः | वासुदेवो ब्रिहद्भानुरादिदेवः पुरंदरः   || skandah  The One who flows like the wind or water   skandadharah The One who establishes the path of dharma dhuryah The One who bears all the burdens of His creation varadah The One who gives or grants varadAnam ( boons ) vAyuvAhanah The One who travels upon the wind vAsudevah The One who omnipresent. The Son of vAsudeva brihadbhAnuh The One whose effulgence lights up the sun Adidevah  The One who is Primary deva (God) purandarah The One who destroys ( dara ) the settlements ( pura ) of demons

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 35)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 35) The 35th shloka primarily depicts the unchanging nature of His Highness. The Lord is Himself the breath or prAna and He Himself establishes Himself and gives breath to all the jivas and devas . Let's know the next set of names in the 35th shloka achyutah prathitah prAnah prAnadah vAsavAnujah apAmnidhih adhishthAnam apramattah pratishthitah अच्युतः प्रथितः प्राणः प्राणदः वासवानुजः | अपाम्निधिः अधिष्ठानं अप्रमत्तः प्रतिष्ठितः || achyutah  The One who isn't affected or undergoes the six changes - birth, existence, growth, transformation, decline and death. Always unchanging prathitah  The One who creates, preserves and destroys prAnah  The One who is the breath of all jivas   prAnadah  The One who gives prAna or breath to the jivas and devas vAsavAnujah The One who is the younger brother ( anuja) of vAsava   apAmnidhih  The One who is the treasure ( nidhih) of all water (Apah) , or the g...

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 34)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 34) The 34th shloka lays stress on His attitude towards anger , Let's read and understand What and Who He is ishtovishishtah sishteshtah sikhandi nahusho vrishah krodhahA krodhakritkartA visvabAhurmahIdharah इष्टोविशिष्टः शिष्टेष्ट: शिखंडी नहिषोवृषः | क्रोधहा क्रोधकृतकर्ता विश्वबाहुर्महीधर: || ishtah The One who is dearest form of worship avishishtah  The One who is impartial to all   sishteshtah  The One who is worshipped by the learned and disciplined men ( sishtah ) sikhandi  The One has sikhand (peacock feather) adorned on His head nahushah The One who binds all jivas with His mAyA   vrishah The One who rains all desires. The One who is the dharma krodhahA  The one who annihilates anger ( krodha ) in all those who attain Him   krodhakrit The One who produces anger in evil jivas   kartA  The One who performs: Creation, Sustenance and Annihilation   krodhakritkartA...

Aigiri Nandini (Adi SankarAcharya) Lyrics & Meaning in English

Aigiri Nandini Kannada Bhajana (Carnatic Hindu Devotional Music) Composer - Adi Shankaracharya MY RATING - 10/10 Source - AYIGIRI NANDINI LYRICS ayi girinandini nanditamEdini visvavinodini nandinutE | girivaravindhya shirodhinivasini vishnuvilAsini jisnunutE | bhagavati hE shitikaNthakutumbini bhoorikutumbini bhoorikrutE | jaya jaya hE mahishAsuramardhini ramyakapardini shailasutE || suravaravarshiNi durdharadharshiNi durmukhamarshiNi harsharatE | tribhuvanaposhiNi sha.nkaratoshiNi kilbishamoshiNi ghosharatE | danujaniroshiNi ditisutaroshiNi durmadashoshiNi sindhusutE | jaya jaya hE ... || ayi jagadamba madamba kadambavanapriyavAsini hAsaratE | shikharishiromaNi tungahimAlaya shringanijAlaya madhyagatE | madhumadhurE madhukaitabhaganjini kaitabhabhanjini rAsaratE | jaya jaya hE ...|| ayi shatakhaNda vikhaNditaruNda vituNditashuNda gajAdhipatE | ripugajagaNda vidAraNachaNda parAkramashuNda...

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 32)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 32) The 32nd shloka lays stress on Lord nArAyana and desires of jivas . Besides, the most interesting name would pavanah which loosely tries to relate itself with the cause of wind bhUta-bhavya-bhavan-nAthah pavanah pAvano-nalah kAmah kAmakrit-kAntah kAmah kAmapradah prabhuh भुतभव्यभवन्नाथ: पवनः पावनोअनलः | कामहा कामकृतकान्तः कामः कामप्रदः प्रभु: || bhUta-bhavya-bhavan-nAthah  The One who is the Lord of everything in the past, present and future pavanah The One who blows the wind, scientific interpretation would be easy enough for anyone, the source of energy that moves the wind. Well, it's a difference in pressure that causes wind, but look at in the broader sense, The wind in itself is an energy, and The Lord that we are talking about for the past few months can be assumed to be the greatest source of energy. And energy has the property to transform itself from one form to another and besides it cannot be created. Wind...

Some Unknown Facts about Lord Shiva (Rudra) - MahaShivratri Special

Here are some interesting facts that were mailed to me by Mr.Pranesh of Delhi Madhvasangha. This is a forwarded message from Shri NarasimhAchar Chintana krama of Maharudra Devaru - ·        Rudra devaru has five faces – the colour of body look like spatika; ·        He has Chandra in his Jate ; ·        He is sarpabhooshana; ·        Always Parvati Devi will be there with him; ·        He has Ganga, the Vishnu paadodaka on his head (to prove Harisarvottamatva); ·        He has three eyes on all his five faces ·        He always has Urdwapundra, shanka Chakra symbol, ·        Has Padmakshi Tulasimaale; ·        In his four hands he has shoola, varamudre, abhayamudre, and deer. I.       ...