by Nitesh Kumar NOW WITH WE ALMOST BECOMING ENGINEERS IT FEELS GREAT TO BE A PART AND PARCEL OF THIS WONDERFUL JOURNEY…..yeah yeah it’s all CRAP……you want to know what we did as a ENGINEER start reading this……because when we came here we were teenagers now when we are leaving we are MEN……and this is all due to what we have been through these college days may be good ar may be bad ….buts it’s what we are…..and we luv it………….so here how it goes 10 POINTS DAT WE DISCOVERED THROUGH ENGINEERING. The first and foremost thing about being a good engineer is dat he or she should be very good at mugging ;because that's what is going to help them in there whole engineering lives. D MORE U MUGG;D MORE R D CHANCES OF U CLIMBING D STAIRS. He or she should be able to digest any kind of food provided in the mess without feeling otherwise about the frequent DISCOVERIES OF FOREIGN BODIES WHICH IN SOME CASES MAY BE ALIVE; so 2 b a good engineer one should have ...
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