Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 48) The 48th shlokam imposes the role of The Lord Vishnu in the yajna/ yagya or the ritualistic sacrifices performed in the Vedic religion of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) yajnya ijya mahEjyaschakratuh satram satAmgatih sarvadarshI vimuktAtmA sarvajnyO jnyAnamuttamam यज्ञा इज्ञ महेज्यश्च ऋतु: सत्रं सताम्गतिः | सर्वदर्शी विमुक्तात्मा सर्वज्ञो ज्ञानमुत्तमम || yajnya The One Who is the form, goal and enjoyer of all ritualistic sacrifices ijya The One Who is worshiped in the yajnya (sacrifice) mahEjyah The One Who is to be worshiped as the greatest of all Gods kratuh The One Who is recipient of all prayers in the yajnyas satram The One Who protects ( tra ) all good ( sat ) men who conduct ritualistic sacrifices satAmgatih The One Who is the ultimate and only refuge for those who are seeking salvation ( moksha ) sarvadarshI The One Who watches over everything, the One who sees everything vimuktAtmA...
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