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Showing posts with the label brāhmaņa

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 71)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 71) This stanza is the first instance where brāhmaņah has been used. brāhmaņa as we know is a caste, but in Vedic sense brāhmaņa is not determined by birth. It is a qualification that is attained by the person who has known all the knowledge of the Vedas , regardless of the person’s caste. But sadly that meaning has changed today ब्रह्मण्यो ब्रह्मकृत ब्रह्मा ब्रम्ह ब्रह्मविवर्धनः | ब्रह्मविद्ब्राह्मणो ब्राह्मी ब्रह्मज्ञो ब्राह्मणप्रियः ||   brahmaņyo brahma-kŗd brahmā brahma brahma-vivardhanah brahma-vid brāhmaņo brāhmī brahmajño brāhmaņapriyah brahmaņyah The One Who is beneficial to the Brāhmaņa (not the caste but the real Brāhmaņa, that is the person who is learned in all vedic scriptures) brahma-kŗd The One Who created the science and rituals for Brāhmaņa brahmā The One Who created everything brahma The One Who is the supreme truth Who cannot be known by the atheist (non believer) ...