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Half of My Heart (John Mayer featTaylor Swift)

Half Of My Heart Performed by : John Mayer feat Taylor Swift Album : Battlestudies Genre : Country/Love Ballad/Alternative Rock Best Time Listen to this song : When you are driving alone on cross country highway or at night  MY RATING : 9.5/10  Reflections The regular followers of my blog must be quite aware by now that I'm obsessed with Mohit Chauhan...err..I mean..his songs! :P But there is a reason to this. Whenever I hear Mohit's songs...I am reminded of this great Blues Rock/Pop/Country musician from the West----John Mayer.... I loved his previous album Continuum, but kinda felt that he won't be able to come up with anything better now. He's proved me wrong....released last year (2009).....his album-BATTLESTUDIES' third single HALF OF MY HEART has won my heart....the full heart... This song creates a great mood....and the lyrics simply leave you in's best to listen to this while driving alone on a country road during daytime.....o