śrivatsa vaksh āh is one of the names of the Lord Vishnu as described in the Vishnu Sahasran ā mastotram.The great patriot, Bheeshmachalks out these thousand (1008) names of Lord when he is asked by his Yudhishitra aboutmatters related dharma and karma. Bheeshma, who was lying on the bed arrows and awaiting his call unto moksha thus begins chanting the name of the great Lord MahaVishnu.There is a series of names relating to śri among which śrivatsa vaksh āh is the most important. śrivatsa mark There are many legends about śrivatsa mark . It is the mole on Lord Vishnu's chest where Devi Lakshmi is known to reside, thus being called as śrinivAsah . Thus, Our Vedic belief system clearly indicates the importance of the female gender as the integral part of the male. The point is to be noted that other modern religions don't even have any place for the sacred female when it comes to the main representation of Godhead. Anyway, It is believed that the tenth avat āra of Lo...
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