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Creating Batista on Wwe 13

WWE & THQ released its latest installment in the series of WWE console games WWE '13. And has that grown on me? Well yea! It's grown on me like crazy. One thing missing in the game is the inclusion of Batista in the main rosters. So here's Batista for all you fanatics!  Go to Create Superstars and use the following settings: TEMPLATES:1 HEAD: HAIR:69/71, COLOR:X:86,Y:0,15,100 SHAPE: HEAD:14,16,0; FOREHEAD:-1,-100,-26,6 FACE: EYES:1/9, COLOUR: black EYELASHES:1/15, COLOUR: black EYEBROWS:4/39, COLOUR: black SKIN: TEXTURE AND COLOUR:10/12(DEFAULT COLOUR),AGE:37 SHAPE: EYEBROWS:-100,0,0,0 EYES:0,-35,-23,-40,34,0 NOSE:40,40,32,-50,25,34,-46,-28 CHEEKS:-100,-100,9,-100 MOUTH:0,0,0,-100,0,0,0 JAW:9,3,49,21,9,-38 EARS:5,0,0,13 FACIAL HAIR: COMBINATION:13/27;COLOR:X:86,Y:0,-100,20 SIDEBURNS:3/17;COLOR:X:90,Y:0,-99,18 GOATEE:12/14;COLOR:X:86,Y:0,-100,100 PIERCING: 17/20 HEIGHT:206cm BODY TYPE: SHAPE: NECK:14,49,45 CHEST:54,7,0 SHOULDERS:-65,64,0 ABDOMEN:-29,24,4 WAIST:23,...