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Showing posts with the label Visvaroopam

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 77)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 77) Now we learn about Lord Vishņu’s stature, the different forms of Lord. Mūrti means form or statue. He has thousands of forms and the universe is itself is a form of the Lord, His form is indefinable and the universe is just a small part of that indefinable form of the Lord Vi śvar ūpam of Lord, or the universal form विश्वमूर्तिर महामूर्तिर दिप्तामूर्तिर  अमूर्तिमान | अनेकमूर्तिरव्यक्तः शतमूर्तिः सहताननः || viśvamūrtir mahāmūrtir dīptamūrtir amūrtimān aneka-mūrtiravyaktah śatamurtih śatānanah viśvamūrtih The One Who pervades everything, the universe itself is His form mahāmūrtih The One Who has the greatest stature dīptamūrtih The One Whose form is luminous and spreads positive light everywhere amūrtimān The One Who has no forms that can be assumed by worldly beings aneka-mūrtih The One Who took several forms or avatāra when needed avyaktah The One Who cannot be stated in a form despite of having so many form...