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Showing posts with the label Matsya

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 23)

Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 23) The 23rd Shloka describes how the Lord NArayana has the potential quality to observe everything that is happening even when He is in His yoganidra . The Lord of such great power must be attained at all costs, He is the way to self-realization, He is the way to moksha. We also relate this with His first incarnation ( avatAr) of the great fish, matsya, that saves mankind during the first pralaya (Apocalypse) guruh gurutamo dhAmah satya satyaparAkramah nimisho'nimishah sragvi vAchaspatirudAridhih गुरु: गुरुतमो धामः सत्य सत्यपराक्रमः | निमिशोअनिमिशः स्त्रग्वी वाचस्पतिरुदारिधिः || guruh  The One who is the instructor of all knowledge gurutamah The greatest among the instructors ( Guru - Instructor & Uttamah - Greatest ) dhAmah  The One who is the lustrous residence of knowledge, reaching where and/or whom jiva attains moksha satyah The One who always speaks the truth, whose words always is the truth. Bears atone...