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Showing posts with the label That Frequent Visitor

Spring Hill (Ireland) - That Frequent Visitor's Most Haunted Places on Earth # 1

As I count down to the release of my second novel, That Frequent Visitor , I will be posting some of the spookiest factoids I have come across on the internet. You don't have to believe all of them or none at all, however, given the amount of Tim Burton movies & Scooby Doo cartoons I have nourished myself with, I can't stop getting fascinated by these Legends . The first one from the series has been presented by ScoobyDoo Fan  on and they are taking you all the way to Ireland. Spring Hill SPRING HILL - The 17th-century Plantation House, home for nearly 300 years of the Lenox-Conyngham family, reputedly plays host to the most-sighted and best documented ghost in Ireland. Site of the tragic suicide of then-master George  Lenox-Conyngham  in 1816, the Blue Bedroom is the traditional setting for the many well-recorded appearances of the tall lady, dressed in black, always said to be George's widow, Olivi