Over and Over Nelly My rating - 9.5/10 Reflections " Over and Over " is the second single by r apper Nelly's album sweat S uit . It features country singer T im Mcgrw. The song hit #3 in the U S, where it went p latinum. It peaked at #1 on the U K and A ussie Singles charts. The song was written by Cornell Haynes Jr, Jayson "KoKo" Bridges , James D. Hargrove. It one of those tracks that makes you humm and move your body slowly with the warm beats of the song. Nelly really spells magic with his R&B numbers. Its best to listen to this track at night while driving or walking or taking a shot of tequila at the pub or simply when you are thinking about your lady love! Great Track, makes you wanna listen to more by this great guy! Lyrics Coz it's all in my head I think about it over and over again and I can't keep picturin' u with him and it hurts so bad yeah cuz it's all in my head I think about it over a...
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