ईशानः प्रानाधः प्राणों ज्येष्ठ: प्रजापतिः
हिरान्यगार्भो भूगर्भो माधवो मधुसूधन:
Ishanah prAnadah prAno jyeshtah shreshtah prajApatih
hiranyagarbho bhUgarbho mAdhavo madhusUdhanah
Ishanah - The One who controls all the five elements
prAnadah - The One who gives PrAna (Life) to all
prAno - The One who lives forever
Jyeshtah - The One who is elder/older than all
Shrestah - The One who is the greatest among all
Prajapatih - The One who is the Lord of all Prajas or people
hiranyagarbhO - The One who dwells in the womb of everything created
bhUgarbhO - The One who is the womb of the world
mAdhawo - The One who witnesses everything while it happens
madhusUdhanah - The One who destroys madhuh or vAsanas, that is, sensuous feelings