As many as 13 light houses across the country, four of them in Tamil Nadu, are set to become heritage centres that would portray maritime history of India. The project, is the first of its kind, is the initiative of the directorate of light houses and light ships, and envisages turning light houses into major tourist with spas, cottages and hotels.
Ancient light houses in Chennai, Mamallapuram, Muttam near Kanyakumari and Rameswaram are to be renovated in the first phase. "The proposed National Maritime Heritage Museum at Mamallapuram will showcase centuries-old vessels being used in the Indian sub-continent. As maritime history and the ocean always excites the common man, we are trying to portray the life of mariners and vessels in these museums, near the light house structure near Mamallapuram," said K K Braroo, deputy director general of light houses and light ships.
"In Chennai, the proposed museum depicting maritime history will be showcased inside the light house that attracts hundreds of tourists visiting the Marina. The project, to be executed in private-public partnership mode, is expecting to be allocated Rs 300 crores across the country, of which Rs 100 crore will be spend in Tamil Nadu," he said.
The ministry is also planning light and sound shows on maritime history. "Besides the remains of ancient ships, visitors can see ancient navigation aids, the differences in the sea routes and communication codes used by ancient mariners when there were no radio-satellite technologies," said J S Chauhan, deputy director general of Mumbai region.
The shipping ministry's light house services also handle light ships, which act as light houses in deep seas. "Light ships, kept in anchor in the outer seas, play a major role in directing vessel traffic from dangerous rocks or give critical navigational directions in the outer seas," said Braroo.
According to him, India's first light house was established at Mamallapuram in the 8th century by the Pallavas. But the much-famous light house of Mamallapuram built on the rock was established in 1887 and it was functional till the end of 19th century.
Ancient light houses in Chennai, Mamallapuram, Muttam near Kanyakumari and Rameswaram are to be renovated in the first phase. "The proposed National Maritime Heritage Museum at Mamallapuram will showcase centuries-old vessels being used in the Indian sub-continent. As maritime history and the ocean always excites the common man, we are trying to portray the life of mariners and vessels in these museums, near the light house structure near Mamallapuram," said K K Braroo, deputy director general of light houses and light ships.
"In Chennai, the proposed museum depicting maritime history will be showcased inside the light house that attracts hundreds of tourists visiting the Marina. The project, to be executed in private-public partnership mode, is expecting to be allocated Rs 300 crores across the country, of which Rs 100 crore will be spend in Tamil Nadu," he said.
The ministry is also planning light and sound shows on maritime history. "Besides the remains of ancient ships, visitors can see ancient navigation aids, the differences in the sea routes and communication codes used by ancient mariners when there were no radio-satellite technologies," said J S Chauhan, deputy director general of Mumbai region.
The shipping ministry's light house services also handle light ships, which act as light houses in deep seas. "Light ships, kept in anchor in the outer seas, play a major role in directing vessel traffic from dangerous rocks or give critical navigational directions in the outer seas," said Braroo.
According to him, India's first light house was established at Mamallapuram in the 8th century by the Pallavas. But the much-famous light house of Mamallapuram built on the rock was established in 1887 and it was functional till the end of 19th century.
Source -
Chennai city roundup, City news