Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 19)
The 19th shloka's most important name is mahAviryah (महावीर्यः) since it reflects upon the scientific theories of the great energy that caused the big bang and the great energy that is triangulating itself to bring an end to the world.
mahAbudhirmahAvIryo mahAshaktirmahAdhyutih
anirdeshyavapuh srimAnmeyAtma mahAdhridhik
महाबुद्धिर्महविर्यो महाशक्तिर्महाध्युतिः |
अनिर्देश्यवापु: श्रीमानमेयात्मा महाद्रिधिक||
The One who is more intelligent than the most intelligent put together, the most intelligent
The One who has the most virya or most energetic, the energy that is cause of creation and destruction and everything in between. Thus, Scientifically pointing to the infinite energy that has caused the creation of the universe, the energy that is maintaining the universe and life forms and the energy that shall cause the end
The One who is the most powerful
The One who is splendid from inside
The One who cannot be indicated by any summoning, his presence is so immense that it cannot be indicated by anything or anyone
The One who has all the qualities of Sri, here Sri can also be interchangeably used for the female consort of Mahavishnu, MAHALAKSHMI. Thus, the One who is the pride of Sri (Lakshmi)
The One whose intelligence cannot be measured by anything or anyone
The One who bore the great mountains, Govardhan and Mandara