Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 39)
In these lines, there are names that reflect upon the ferociousness of Lord Vishnu towards the demons and those who perform bad karma. At the same time it also suggests His kindness and open acceptance to those who are kind hearted and perform good karma
atulah sarabhO bhImah samayajnyO havir-harih
sarvalakshanalakshanyO lakshimivAn samitimjayah
अतुलः शरभो भीमः समयज्न्यो हविर्हरिः |
सर्वलक्षणलक्षण्यो लक्ष्मीवान समितिंजयः ||
The One Who cannot be matched by anyone, Who has no comparison (tulna)
The One Who is demonic (ferocious) to those who are demonic
The One Who is superstrong and overpowers demons, but gives moksa or salvation to those who are slayed by Him
samayajnyahThe One Who accepts the devotion of those who view all beings as equal
The One Who heartfully accepts ghee (clarified butter) upon being offered
The One Who is adorned with all the great characteristics
The One Who is endowed with the presence of Sri Lakshmi who is the symbol of aiswaryam
The One Who is always triumphant in battle