Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 43)
Here in the 43rd stanza, the 400th name of the Lord is completed with anayah. Here we learn that The Lord is mArgo-neyo-naya-anayah, or the path, the goal for the path and the One Who leads on the path and cannot be lead
rAmO virAmO viratO mArgO neyO nayO anayah
vIrah saktimatAm sreshthO dharmO dharmavid uttamah
रामो विरामो विरतो मार्गो नेयो नयोअनयः |
वीरः सक्तिमताम श्रेष्ठो धर्मो धर्मविद उत्तमः ||
The One Who was RAma, dasaratha's eldest son, the seventh incarnation (avatAr) of Lord Vishnu
The One Who is the punctuation (virAma) in the samsAra chakra. He may put a full stop to the cycle of births and deaths or he may keep it continuing if jiva doesn't attain His Highness

The One Who disqualifies all material gratifications with His presence
The One Who is the path for salvation
The One Who is the goal of salvation
The One Who leads jiva and yogis on the path (mArgah) of salvation to the ultimate goal (neyah), that is, The Lord Himself
The One Who is never lead for He Himself is the leader
The One Who valorously slays demons (asuras)
saktimatAm sreshthah
The One Who is the greatest among the most powerful
The One Who is the righteousness (dharma)
The One Who is the greatest maintainer of the greatest dharma (righteousness)