Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 44)
The 44th stanza pretty clearly points out to the life giving nature of His Highness Lord Vishnu, how He is the prAnah and prAnadah
vaikunthah purushah prAnah prAnadah pranavah prithuh
hiranyagarbhah shatrughnO vyAptO vAyuradhokshajah
वैकुंठः पुरुषः प्राणः प्राणदः प्रणवः पृथु: |
हिरण्यगर्भः शत्रुघ्नो व्याप्तो वायुरधोक्षजः ||
The One Who causes hindrance in the path (kunthah). This is in a positive manner for the hindrance is to those that tend to scatter easily, thus obstructing a negative effect
The One Who is the Supreme Person
The One Who is the breath of life, thus, making each jiva breathe and pumps life to the soul
The One Who puts an end to life at the time of pralayA, thus snatching prAna
The One Who recieves all the obeisances of the devotees, the rightful Reciever of all obeisances
The One Who never partial to His devotees and is same for everyone
The One with the Golden (hiranya) Womb (garbhah), from where Brahma took birth and in turn gave life to the whole universe
The One kills the enemies of devas (according to Sri P ShankaranArayanan). The One Who slays the enemies of human nature, that is, lust, greed, anger etc (according to Srila Baladeva VidyAbhUshana)
The One who permeates all causes (according to Sri P ShankaranArayanan)
The One Who blows as air, thus giving breath, enabling jivas to sustain life
The One Who is beyond the reach of the material senses
Past. Present and the future