Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 83)
The Lord is very peaceful and affectionate towards His devotees. He has been called as a gentle and kind forgiver in previous stanzas but now we talk about the Lord as the One Who is attained with great difficulty. It sounds like an irony, but it’s true for only the determined can please the Lord. Unlike till now where many names began with a positive prefix SU, here, the names begin with a negative prefix DUR
समावर्तो निवृत्तात्मा दुर्जयो दुरतिक्रमः |
दुर्लभो दुर्गमो दुर्गो दुरावासो दुरारिहा ||
samāvarto nivrttātmā durjayo duratikramah
durlabho durgamo durgo durāvāso durārihā
The One Who constantly rotates the wheel of samsāra, thus, creating things continuously
The One Whose ātmā doesn’t withdraw from objects
The One Who is unbeatable
The One Who is feared greatly
The One Who is not attainable. To attain Him one has to go through lot of hardships
The One Who is known with difficulty
The One Who is reached with great difficulty, despite of having undergone lot of austerities
The One Who cannot be made to reside in the minds with ease.
The One Who kills His enemies and crushes them the evil forces to death