Vedic Reflections - Shri VishnusahasranAmam (Stanza 86)
We complete eight hundred names of the Lord with suvarņabinduh. As we move on to the next set of names we more of His greatness and might
सुवर्णबिन्दुरक्षोभ्यः सर्ववागीश्वरेश्वरः |
महाह्रदो महागर्तो महाभूतो महानिधिः ||
suvarņabindurakshobhyah sarvavāgiśvareśvarah
mahāhrado mahāgarto mahābhūto mahānidhih
The One Whose mastaka (forehead) is decorated with a golden tilaka
The One Who is not troubled by attachment and other worldly factors
The One Who is the Lord of all the other Lords
The One Who is like a great holy river in which great souls take dips to attain moksha
The One Who opening (gartah) from which the entire universe was manifested. Now scientifically, what could we be talking about here? Any guesses?
The One Who is the Great time itself, One Who is not limited by the three tenses of time
The One Who is the treasure or the One Who is the treasure chest containing all beings