Post by K.Hari Kumar.
This is a proud moment for me, as a writer, I have just unveiled the face of my baby... my upcoming novel That Frequent Visitor.
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That Frequent Visitor
Are you ready for 2014's most spine-chilling thriller?
He is an Englishman... He is an Empiricist... He is Dead...
And He has a Story...
Are You Ready for The Story of That Frequent Visitor?
From Delhi to Kochi via Calcutta
That Frequent Visitor is the second novel by bestselling author K Hari Kumar (Richard Baxter). He is an acclaimed short filmmaker. Fascinated by the unknown he writes Paranormal Ficition. #Horror #fiction #bestseller #gothic #ghost #paranormal #international #kindle #play #smashwords #ebook #paperback #newyorktimes #cover #reveal #launch #virtual #srishtipublishers #indian #horror #thriller #spinechilling #awesome #amazing #HariKumarK