Today I will try decoding the 13th stanza of Vishnu Sahasranamastotram. This thirteenth stanza will be key to explaining a point that I regard as something every Hindu (VEDIC) believer needs to know. HINDUISM or the SANATAN Dharma is MONOTHEISTIC, unlike what the pandits and great sadhu maharajas say.
rudro bahushira babhrurvishvayonih shuchishrvAh...
amrtah shAshvatah syAnurvarAroho mahAtapAh...
रुद्रो बहुशिरा बभ्रुर्विश्वयोनि: शुचिश्रवा: |
अमृतः शाश्वतः स्यानुर्वरारोहो महातपाः ||
rudrah - Here's another reference to the unity of the Vedic trinity. Any person following the vedic traditions would tell you that Rudra (रूद्र)is the name of the 'Hindu' Lord of destruction, more commonly known as Shiva (शिव). Now what is this name doing in the Vishnusahasranamastotram? Well, that's one way of pointing to existence of SINGLE GOD concept of MONOTHEISM present deep in the vedic religion. Hinduism is often the point of laughter among the Western as well as Arabic faiths because of the presence of a quarter to billion Gods and goddesses. They often ask, how lamer can it get?
Well, the modern hindu doesn't know the meaning of his/her own religion. Vedic religion promotes the belief of a single God and did it much before the story of Jesus or Prophet were even narrated. I am not trying to prove any supremacy here, but trying to put this point forth, that the real Hinduism is in fact a MONOTHEISTIC religion.
Rudra literally means the One who destroys pain and brings tears to eyes.
bahushirah - The One who is multiheaded. Once again puts forth the idea of omnipotence of God.
babhruh - The One who supports the world. Scientific interpretation - What supports the world? Think of it as the one force or energy that lies at the center of the Earth. Or at the center of the universe. Could it be the gravitational force? Is Vishnu the gravitational force or some kind of a centrifugal/centripetal force?
visvayonih - The One who is the source of the world/universe. viswa means the world/universe while yoni means the vagina or the source of birth/conception of life.
suchisrvAh - The One whose name is pure/soothing to listen.
amrtah - The One who has no death. Scientific interpretation - Energy that has no end.
sAsvatasthAnuh - The One who is sAsvatah (imperishable) and sthanuh (firm)
varArohah - The One who is the superiormost and everyone attempts to attain him. The highest level of attainment. Scientific interpretation - This can have a psychological interpretation, the highest form of attainment is self-attainment or atonement.
mahAtapAh - The One who is filled with great knowledge.